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Project View

Clicking on a project in the Projects View takes you to the Project View, which shows all the information about a given project such as its name, description and list of associated register maps.

Project View

Adding a Register Map to a Project

To add one or more existing register map(s) to a project, click on the Add register maps button below the Register Maps list. This brings up the Add Register Maps dialog which allows you to select the register map(s) to add to the project:

Add Register Map Dialog

Only your own register maps, i.e. the ones you have created yourself, can be added to a project. If you'd like the possibility to add register maps that have been shared with you by another user, please make sure to vote for this feature.

Setting a Register Map's Base Address

A registers map that is included in a project can have a project-specific default base addresse, which overrides the register map's default base address.

To set a project-specific base address for a register map, click on the Edit icon in the Actions column of the corresponding register map:

Edit Register Map

This brings up the Edit Register Map Instance dialog, which allows you to enable a project-specific base address (by activating the checkbox), and setting its value to a hexadecimal number of your choice:

Edit Register Map Instance Dialog

The project-specific base address must fit within the register map's default address width.

In the Project view, project-specific base address are identified by the asterisk sign ((*)) next to them.

Downloading a Project's Register Maps

In the Project view, the Download button allows you to download the generated code corresponding to all of the register maps that are included in the project.

Removing a Register Map from a Project

To remove a register map from a project, click on the trash icon in the Actions column of the corresponding register map:

Remove Register Map from Project

Removing a register map from a project does not delete the register map from the database.

Editing a Project

To edit a project's name or description, click on the gear symbol at the top of the page and select the Edit project item in the drop-down menu.

Edit Project

This brings up the Edit Project dialog where you can edit the project properties.

Edit Project Dialog

Deleting a Project

To delete a project, click on the gear symbol at the top of the page and select Delete project in the drop-down menu.

Delete Project

Deleting a project does not delete the associated register maps from the database.


Deleting a project cannot be undone.